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You don’t have to spend money to support the show. There are lots of simple ways to help the design community find Beyond UX Design.


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The show is available on every major podcast platform out there like Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, etc.

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Leaving a five-star rating and a quick glowing review on Apple Podcasts does amazing things for the show.

It will help Apple to suggest the show to other folks looking for great design podcasts.

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Do you know someone who might get something out of the show and all the things we discuss? Why don’t you tell them about it? If you’re feeling especially frisky, share the show on your work Slack channel!

Become a Patron

The best way to help support the show is to become a Patron and subscribe. You’ll get some nice perks like access to our slack channel, shout-outs on the show, or even a monthly 1-on-1 with Jeremy

Support my caffeine addiction

Help keep the lights on

Your support helps pay for hosting and other essentials that come from running the podcast, like hosting and marketing tools, because this stuff ain’t free!

Rough Transcripts

$ 3
  • My heartfelt thanks
  • Beyond UX Design holographic sticker
  • Rough transcripts
  • Videos of RELEASED episodes
  • Videos of UNRELEASED episodes
  • Weekly shout-out every episode
  • LIVE interview access

Videos of UNRELEASED Episodes

$ 10
  • My heartfelt thanks
  • Rough transcripts
  • Beyond UX Design holographic sticker
  • Videos of RELEASED episodes
  • Videos of UNRELEASED episodes
  • Weekly shout-out every episode
  • LIVE interview access

Join Interviews LIVE

$ 20
  • My heartfelt thanks
  • Rough transcripts
  • Beyond UX Design holographic sticker
  • Videos of RELEASED episodes
  • Videos of UNRELEASED episodes
  • Weekly shout-out every episode
  • LIVE interview access

Visit our Patreon page for more info

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is my payment secure?

Yes! We use Patreon to process all payments. For more information on how Patreon securely processes all transactions, please visit Patreon's FAQ and Help section here.

2. How often will I be billed?

Once you sign up to support the show, your payment will be processed that day each month until you cancel. With subscription billing, you'll pay when they join as a patron and it will renew monthly on that same date on UTC. Please visit Patreon's FAQ and Help article on subscriptions here.

3. How is my money processed?

Patreon uses secure third party payment processors to process every transaction. For more information on how Patreon processes payments, please visit Patreon's FAQ and Help article on how payment processing works here.

4. How do I cancel?

Cancelling is easy. We use Patreon to process all subscriptions and payments.Fore more information on how to cancel, please visit Patreon's FAQ and Help article on how to cancel your subscription here.

5. What if I want to donate a different amount?

First, let me be the first to thank you for donating any amount. I'm humbled that you would consider donating even a dollar to the show. If you want to donate a different amount that is not listed here, please email me at

6. Can I make a one-time payment?

Unfortunately, at this time Patreon does not support one-time payments. Please visit Patreon's FAQ and Help article on one-time-payments here. If you'd like to make a one time-payment, please contact us directly at We'll be happy to work something out!

7. How will my donation be used?

Podcasting isn't cheap. Your money will be used to pay for many things. A few items that will be funded by your generous donations might include: 

  • Monthly hosting with hostgator.
  • Adobe Creative Suite for various graphics like show thumbnails, website graphics, and stickers or other merch.
  • Adobe Audition for recording and producing and mixing each episode.
  • for recording audio for interviews.
  • Headliner for creating promotional videos.
  • New computer and audio hardware as needed.

8. How will I access the videos?

Once your payment is processed you'll receive a link to an unlisted YouTube playlist. This playlist will include all the available episodes.

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